HelpSite Support Center

Contact Us

Customizing text in the template

Virtually all of the predefined text messages in HelpSite can be easily changed using our Custom HTML/Layout feature. Here, you can see how to change the "Support Center" words in the header & browser <title> of the page:

Translating the page <title>

The <title> tag (displayed in your browser tab) can be tweaked by ensuring your Main Layout has this snippet:

{% if on_home_page %}
  <title>{{ site_title | escape }} - Frequently Asked Questions</title>
{% else %}
  <title>{{ page_title | escape }}</title>
{% endif %}

Translating breadcrumbs

To translate the breadcrumbs first word of "Support", change {{ breadcrumbs }} in your Main Layout to something like:

{{ breadcrumbs | replace: 'Support', 'YOUR_TEXT_HERE' }}

If you have any trouble, please get in touch!